8 Common Cause of Marasmus

Marasmus is a form of severe protein calorie malnutrition. The biggest factor that causes the protein calorie malnutrition, namely: the transition from breastfeeding to food with low nutritional, acute infection of the gastrointestinal tract, chronic infections such as HIV or tuberculosis. This situation is the end result of the interaction between food shortages and infectious diseases. In addition to environmental factors, there are several other factors in the child's own innate, thought to influence the occurrence of marasmus. Imbalance between energy intake and decrease energy needed improvement generates a negative energy balance.

In general, the causes of marasmus are as follows :

1. Less food intake
Marasmus caused by caloric intake slightly, feeding is not recommended in accordance with the result of ignorance of the child's parents ; eg widespread use of canned milk is too watery.

2. Infection
Severe infection and long, causing marasmus, especially enteral infection eg infantile gastroenteritis, bronchopneumonia, pyelonephritis and congenital syphilis.

3. Congenital structural abnormalities
For example : congenital heart disease, Hirschsprung's disease, palate deformity, palatoschizis, micrognathia, pyloric stenosis, hiatal hernia, hydrocephalus, cystic fibrosis of the pancreas.

4. Prematurity and disease in the newborn period
In these circumstances breastfeeding less due to less strong sucking reflex.

5. Breastfeeding
Prolonged breast feeding without supplemental feeding enough.

6. Metabolic disorders
For example: renal acidosis, idiopathic hypercalcemia, galactosemia, lactose intolerance.

7. Tumors of the hypothalamus
New rare and enforced when other causes have been ruled out of marasmus.

8. Weaning
Premature weaning accompanied by feeding less will lead to marasmus.

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