Primary and Secondary Assessment for Myocardial Infarction

Nursing Care Plan for Acute Myocardial Infarction

Primary Assessment of Myocardial Infarction
1. Airways
  • Blockage or accumulation of secretions.
  • Wheezing or crackles.
2 Breathing
  • Congested with light activity or rest.
  • RR is more than 24 times / minute, shallow irregular rhythm.
  • Ronchi, crackles.
  • Expansion of the chest is not full.
  • The use of accessory muscles of breath.
3 Circulation
  • Weak pulse, irregular.
  • Tachycardia.
  • Blood pressure increases / decreases.
  • Edema.
  • Restless.
  • Cold acral.
  • Pale skin, cyanosis.
  • Decreased urine output.

Secondary Assessment of Myocardial Infarction
1 Activity
  • Symptoms: Weakness, fatigue, can not sleep, sedentary lifestyles, irregular exercise schedule.
  • Signs: Tachycardia, dyspnea at rest or activity.
2 Circulation
  • Symptoms: history of previous AMI, coronary artery disease, blood pressure problems, diabetes mellitus.
  • Signs: Blood pressure; can be normal / up / down. Postural changes recorded from sleeping to sitting or standing. pulse; can be normal, full or not strong or weak / strong quality with slow capillary refill, irregular (dysrhythmias). Heart sounds; Extra heart sounds: S3 or S4 may indicate heart failure or decreased ventricular kontraktilits or complaint. murmur; when there is a demonstrated failure of valves or heart muscle dysfunction. friction; suspected pericarditis. Heart rhythm can be regular or irregular. edema; juguler venous distention, edema dependent, peripheral, generalized edema, there may be crackles with heart failure or ventricular. color; Pallor or cyanosis, flat nails, mukossa membranes or lips.
3 Ego integrity
  • Symptoms: Denying important symptoms or any condition fear of dying, feeling the end is near, angry at the disease or treatment, worry about finances, work, family.
  • Signs: turned, denial, anxiety, lack of eye contact, anxiety, anger, attack behavior, focus on self, pain coma.
4 Elimination
  • Signs: normal, decreased bowel sounds.
5. Food or fluid
  • Symptoms: nausea, anorexia, belching, heartburn or a burning sensation.
  • Signs: decreased skin turgor, dry skin, sweating, vomiting, weight changes.
6 Hygiene
  • Symptoms or signs: lesulitan perform maintenance tasks.
7 Neurosensory
  • Symptoms: dizziness, throbbing during sleep or when you wake up (sitting or resting)
  • Signs: mental changes, weakness
8 Pain or discomfort
  • Symptoms: sudden onset of chest pain (may or may not be related to the activity), not relieved by rest or nitroglycerin (although mostly in and visceral pain). Location: A typical on the anterior chest, substernal, precordial, can spread to the hands, ranhang, face. No specific location such as epigastric, elbows, jaw, abdomen, back, neck. Quality: "Crushing", narrowed, weight, sedentary, depressed. Intensity: Normally 10 (on a scale of 1 -10), may experience the worst pain ever experienced.
  • Note: there may be no pain in postoperative patients, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, elderly.
9 Breathing:
  • Symptoms: dyspnea on exertion or at rest, nocturnal dyspnea, cough with or without sputum production, history of smoking, chronic respiratory disease.
  • Signs: increased frequency of breathing, shortness of breath / strong, pale, cyanosis, breath sounds (clean, krekles, wheezing), sputum.
10. Social Interaction
  • Symptoms: Stress, Difficulty coping with a stressor such as: disease, treatment in hospital.
  • Signs:. Difficulty rest in peace, too emotional response (constantly angry, scared), withdrew.

Nursing Care Plan for Cardiovascular Disease : Myocardial Infarction

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