Bronchial Asthma - 3 Nursing Diagnosis Interventions

Nursing Diagnosis 1. :

Ineffective airway clearance related to thick secretions, increased mucus production, bronchospasm.

1. Goal
  • Airway becomes effective.

2. Outcomes
  • Determining a comfortable position so as to facilitate an increase in gas exchange.
  • Can demonstrate an effective cough.
  • May declare a strategy to decrease the viscosity of secretions.
  • No additional breath sounds.

3. Interventions
  • Assess color, consistency and amount of sputum.
  • Instruct clients on appropriate methods in controlling cough.
  • Teach the client to reduce the viscosity of secretions.
  • Auscultation of the lungs before and after the action.
  • Perform chest physiotherapy techniques with postural drainage, chest percussion and fibrasi.
  • Push and or provide oral care.

4. Rational
  • Sputrum characteristics can indicate the severity of the obstruction.
  • Uncontrolled coughing ineffective and exhausting and frustrating.
  • Thick secretions difficult untuyk issued and can cause blockage of mucus that can cause atelectasis.
  • Additional noise reduced after action indicates success.
  • Fisioterpi chest is a strategy to remove secretions.
  • Good oral hygiene improve the taste of healthy and prevent bad breath.

Nursing Diagnosis 2. :

Ineffective breathing pattern related to chest wall distention, and fatigue due to increased work of breathing.

1. Goal
  • Clients will demonstrate effective breathing pattern.

2. Outcomes
  • Effective breathing frequency and improved gas exchange in the lungs.
  • Stating the causes and ways to overcome adaptive to these factors.

3. Interventions
  • Monitor the frequency, rhythm and depth of breathing.
  • Position the client's chest semi-Fowler position.
  • Distract people from thinking about the state of anxiety and teach how to breathe effectively.
  • Minimize gastric distention.
  • Assess breathing during sleep.
  • Reassure the client and give support when dyspnea.

4. Rational
  • Tachypnea, irregular rhythm and breathing shallow demonstrate ineffective breathing pattern.
  • Semi-Fowler position lowers the diaphragm so as to give the development of the pulmonary organs.
  • Anxiety can lead to ineffective breathing pattern.
  • Gastric distension may inhibit contraction diaphragm.
  • Presence of sleep apnea show ineffective breathing pattern.
  • Sense of hesitation on the client can inhibit therapeutic communication.

Nursing Diagnosis 3. :

Impaired gas exchange related to CO2 retention, increased secretion, increased respiration, and disease processes.

1. Goal
  • The client will maintain adequate gas exchange and oxygenation.

2. Outcomes
  • Frequency of breathing 16-20 times / min
  • Pulse frequency 60-120 times / min
  • Normal skin color, no dyspnea and GDA within normal limits.

3. Interventions
  • Monitoring of respiratory status every 4 hours, the results of GDA, income and output.
  • Place client in semi-Fowler position.
  • Give intravenous therapy as directed.
  • Give oxygen via nasal cannula 4 l / meniit, then adapt the results of PaO 2.
  • Give the medication that has been prescribed and observe if there are signs of toxicity.

4. Rational
  • To identify the indications towards progress or deviations from the client.
  • Upright position allowing better lung expansion.
  • To enable rapid rehydration and can assess the situation for vascular administration of emergency drugs.
  • Giving oxygen to reduce the burden of respiratory muscles.
  • Treatment to restore bronchial conditions as the previous conditions.
  • For ease breathing and prevent atelectasis.

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